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5.3.1RC3 out!

修正量的に、これが最後のRCリリースになりそうな予感ですが、php.iniにmax_file_uploads ディレクティブが追加された模様(デフォルトは100)。個人的には10でも多いような気が。

--- php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/NEWS	2009/10/20 20:09:24	289812
+++ php/php-src/branches/PHP_5_3/NEWS	2009/11/03 16:48:52	290172
@@ -1,18 +1,40 @@
 PHP                                                                        NEWS
 ?? ??? 20??, PHP 5.3.2
+- Upgraded bundled PCRE to version 8.00. (Scott)
+- Added "max_file_uploads" INI directive, which can be set to limit the
+  number of file uploads per-request to 100 by default, to prevent possible
+  DOS via temporary file exhaustion. (Ilia)
 - Added ReflectionMethod::setAccessible() for invoking non-public methods
   through the Reflection API. (Sebastian)
+- Added Collator::getSortKey for intl extension. (Stas)
 - Implemented FR #49571 (CURLOPT_POSTREDIR not implemented). (Sriram Natarajan)
 - Implemented FR #49253 (added support for libcurl's CERTINFO option).
   (Linus Nielsen Feltzing <linus@haxx.se>)
+- Fixed memory leak in extension loading when an error occurs on Windows.
+  (Pierre)
+- Fixed bug #50023 (pdo_mysql doesn't use PHP_MYSQL_UNIX_SOCK_ADDR). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #49908 (throwing exception in __autoload crashes when interface
+  is not defined). (Felipe)
+- Fixed bug #49719 (ReflectionClass::hasProperty returns true for a private 
+  property in base class). (Felipe)
+- Fixed bug #49142 (crash when exception thrown from __tostring()).
+  (David Soria Parra)
+- Fixed bug #49990 (SNMP3 warning message about security level printed twice).
+  (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #49985 (pdo_pgsql prepare() re-use previous aborted
+  transaction). (ben dot pineau at gmail dot com, Ilia)  
+- Fixed bug #49921 (Curl post upload functions changed). (Ilia)
 - Fixed bug #49855 (import_request_variables() always returns NULL). (Ilia,
   sjoerd at php dot net)
 - Fixed bug #49800 (SimpleXML allow (un)serialize() calls without warning).
   (Ilia, wmeler at wp-sa dot pl)
 - Fixed bug #49647 (DOMUserData does not exist). (Rob)
+- Fixed bug #49244 (Floating point NaN cause garbage characters). (Sjoerd)
 - Fixed bug #49224 (Compile error due to old DNS functions on AIX systems).