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5.2.4RC1 out!


--- NEWS	2007/05/30 18:45:59	1.2027.2.547.2.746
+++ NEWS	2007/08/02 22:18:28	1.2027.2.547.2.875
@@ -1,5 +1,223 @@
 PHP                                                                        NEWS
+02 Aug 2007, PHP 5.2.4RC1
+- Removed --enable-versioning configure option. (Jani)
+- Upgraded PCRE to version 7.2 (Nuno)
+- Updated timezone database to version 2007.6. (Derick)
+- Improved openssl_x509_parse() to return extensions in readable form. (Dmitry)
+- Improved fix for MOPB-03-2007. (Ilia)
+- Corrected fix for CVE-2007-2872. (Ilia)
+- Enabled changing the size of statement cache for non-persistent OCI8
+  connections. (Chris Jones, Tony)
+- Changed "display_errors" php.ini option to accept "stderr" as value which
+  makes the error messages to be outputted to STDERR instead of STDOUT with 
+  CGI and CLI SAPIs (FR #22839). (Jani)
+- Changed error handler to send HTTP 500 instead of blank page on PHP errors.
+  (Dmitry, Andrei Nigmatulin)
+- Changed mail() function to be always available. (Johannes)
+- Added check for unknown options passed to configure. (Jani)
+- Added persistent connection status checker to pdo_pgsql.
+  (Elvis Pranskevichus, Ilia)
+- Added support for ATTR_TIMEOUT inside pdo_pgsql driver. (Ilia)
+- Added php_ini_loaded_file() function which returns the path to the actual
+  php.ini in use. (Jani)
+- Added GD version constants GD_MAJOR_VERSION, GD_MINOR_VERSION
+- Added missing open_basedir checks to CGI.
+  (anight at eyelinkmedia dot com, Tony)
+- Added missing format validator to unpack() function. (Ilia)
+- Added missing error check inside bcpowmod(). (Ilia)
+  (Andrey A. Belashkov, Tony)
+- Added missing MSG_EOR and MSG_EOF constants to sockets extension. (Jani)
+- Added PCRE_VERSION constant. (Tony)
+- Added ReflectionExtension::info() function to print the phpinfo() block for
+  an extension. (Johannes)
+- Added possibility to call static class members using variables. (Etienne
+  Kneuss)
+- Implemented FR #41884 (ReflectionClass::getDefaultProperties() does not handle 
+  static attributes). (Tony)
+- Fixed EOF handling in case of reading from file opened in write only mode.
+  (Dmitry)
+- Fixed "Floating point exception" inside wordwrap(). (Mattias Bengtsson,
+  Ilia)
+- Fixed crash in OpenSSL extension because of non-string passphrase. (Dmitry)
+- Fixed var_export() to use the new H modifier so that it can generate
+  parseable PHP code for floats, independent of the locale. (Derick)
+- Fixed regression introduced by the fix for the libgd bug #74. (Pierre)
+- Fixed several integer overflows in ImageCreate(), ImageCreateTrueColor(), 
+  ImageCopyResampled() and ImageFilledPolygon() reported by Mattias Bengtsson. 
+  (Tony)
+- Fixed size calculation in chunk_split(). (Stas)
+- Fixed integer overflow in str[c]spn(). (Stas)
+- Fixed money_format() not to accept multiple %i or %n tokens. (Stas, Ilia)
+- Fixed zend_alter_ini_entry() memory_limit interruption vulnerability.
+  (Ilia)
+- Fixed INFILE LOCAL option handling with MySQL extensions not to be allowed 
+  when open_basedir or safe_mode is active. (Stas)
+- Fixed SimpleXML's behavior when used with empty(). (Sara)
+- Fixed session.save_path and error_log values to be checked against
+  open_basedir and safe_mode (CVE-2007-3378) (Stas, Maksymilian Arciemowicz)
+- Fixed possible invalid read in glob() win32 implementation (CVE-2007-3806). 
+  (Tony)
+- Fixed PECL Bug #11345 (PDO_OCI crash after National language Support "NLS"
+  environment initialization error). (Chris Jones)
+- Fixed PECL bug #11216 (crash in ZipArchive::addEmptyDir when a directory 
+  already exists). (Pierre)
+- Fixed bug #42173 (oci8 INTERVAL and TIMESTAMP type fixes). (Chris)
+- Fixed bug #42151 (__destruct functions not called after catching a SoapFault
+  exception). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #42142 (substr_replace() returns FALSE when length > string
+  length). (Ilia) 
+- Fixed bug #42135 (Second call of session_start() causes creation of SID).
+  (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #42134 (oci_error() returns false after oci_new_collection() 
+  fails). (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #42119 (array_push($arr,&$obj) doesn't work with
+  zend.ze1_compatibility_mode On). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #42112 (deleting a node produces memory corruption). (Rob)
+- Fixed bug #42107 (sscanf broken when using %2$s format parameters). (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #42090 (json_decode causes segmentation fault). (Hannes)
+- Fixed bug #42072 (No warning message for clearstatcache() with arguments).
+  (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #42071 (ini scanner allows using NULL as option name). (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #42027 (is_file() / is_dir() matches file/dirnames with wildcard
+  char or trailing slash in Windows). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #42019 (configure option --with-adabas=DIR does not work). (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #42015 (ldap_rename(): server error "DSA is unwilling to perform").
+  (bob at mroczka dot com, Jani)
+- Fixed bug #41989 (move_uploaded_file() & relative path in ZTS mode). (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41984 (Hangs on large SoapClient requests). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #41983 (Error Fetching http headers terminated by '\n'). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #41971 (PDOStatement::fetch and PDOStatement::setFetchMode causes
+  unexpected behavior). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41964 (strtotime returns a timestamp for non-time string of
+  pattern '(A|a) .+'). (Derick)
+- Fixed bug #41961 (Ensure search for hidden private methods does not stray
+  from class hierarchy). (robin_fernandes at uk dot ibm dot com)
+- Fixed bug #41947 (SimpleXML incorrectly registers empty strings as 
+  namespaces). (Rob)
+- Fixed bug #41929 (Foreach on object does not iterate over all visible
+  properties). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #41919 (crash in string to array conversion).
+  (judas dot iscariote at gmail dot com, Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41908 (CFLAGS="-Os" ./configure --enable-debug fails). 
+  (christian at hoffie dot info, Tony) 
+- Fixed bug #41909 (var_export() is locale sensitive when exporting float
+  values). (Derick)
+- Fixed bug #41867 (SimpleXML: getName is broken). (Rob)
+- Fixed bug #41865 (fputcsv(): 2nd parameter is not optional). (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #41861 (SimpleXML: getNamespaces() returns the namespaces of 
+  a node's siblings). (Rob)
+- Fixed bug #41845 (pgsql extension does not compile with PostgreSQL <7.4).
+  (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41844 (Format returns incorrect number of digits for negative
+  years -0001 to -0999). (Derick)
+- Fixed bug #41842 (Cannot create years < 0100 & negative years with
+  date_create or new DateTime). (Derick)
+- Fixed bug #41833 (addChild() on a non-existent node, no node created, 
+  getName() segfaults). (Rob)
+- Fixed bug #41831 (pdo_sqlite prepared statements convert resources to
+  strings). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41815 (Concurrent read/write fails when EOF is reached). (Sascha)
+- Fixed bug #41813 (segmentation fault when using string offset as an object).
+  (judas dot iscariote at gmail dot com, Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41795 (checkdnsrr does not support DNS_TXT type). 
+  (lucas at facebook dot com, Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41773 (php_strip_whitespace() sends headers with errors 
+  suppressed). (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41765 (Recode crashes/does not work on amd64). 
+  (nexus at smoula dot net, Stas)
+- Fixed bug #41724 (libxml_get_last_error() - errors service request scope).
+  (thekid at php dot net, Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41717 (imagepolygon does not respect thickness). (Pierre)
+- Fixed bug #41711 (NULL temporary lobs not supported in OCI8). 
+  (Chris Jones, Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41770 (SSL: fatal protocol error due to buffer issues). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41713 (Persistent memory consumption on win32 since 5.2). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #41709 (strtotime() does not handle 00.00.0000). (Derick)
+- Fixed bug #41698 (float parameters truncated to integer in prepared 
+  statements). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41692 (ArrayObject shows weird behavior in respect to 
+  inheritance). (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41691 (ArrayObject::exchangeArray hangs Apache). (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41686 (Omitting length param in array_slice not possible).
+  (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41685 (array_push() fails to warn when next index is already
+  occupied). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41655 (open_basedir bypass via glob()). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41640 (get_class_vars produces error on class constants).
+  (Johannes)
+- Fixed bug #41635 (SoapServer and zlib.output_compression with FastCGI result
+  in major slowdown). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #41633 (Crash instantiating classes with self-referencing
+  constants). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #41630 (segfault when an invalid color index is present in
+  the image data). (Reported by Elliot <wccoder@gmail dot com>) (Pierre)
+- Fixed bug #41628 (PHP settings leak between Virtual Hosts in
+  Apache 1.3). (Scott, manuel at mausz dot at)
+- Fixed bug #41608 (segfault on a weird code with objects and switch()). 
+  (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41600 (url rewriter tags doesn't work with namespaced tags).
+  (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41596 (Fixed a crash inside pdo_pgsql on some non-well-formed
+  SQL queries). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41594 (OCI8 statement cache is flushed too frequently). (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41582 (SimpleXML crashes when accessing newly created element).
+  (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41576 (configure failure when using --without-apxs or some other
+  SAPIs disabling options). (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #41567 (json_encode() double conversion is inconsistent with PHP).
+  (Lucas, Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41566 (SOAP Server not properly generating href attributes).
+  (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #41561 (php_admin_* values set in httpd.conf can be overwritten 
+  with ini_set()). (Tony, Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #41555 (configure failure: regression caused by fix for #41265).
+  (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #41527 (WDDX deserialize numeric string array key). (Matt, Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41523 (strtotime('0000-00-00 00:00:00') is parsed as 1999-11-30).
+  (Derick)
+- Fixed bug #41518 (file_exists() warns of open_basedir restriction on 
+  non-existent file). (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41445 (parse_ini_file() has a problem with certain types of 
+  integer as sections). (Tony)
+- Fixed bug #41433 (DBA: configure fails to include correct db.h for db4).
+  (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #41372 (Internal pointer of source array resets during array
+  copying). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #41350 (my_thread_global_end() error during request shutdown
+  on Windows). (Scott, Andrey)
+- Fixed bug #41278 (get_loaded_extensions() should list Zend extensions).
+  (Johannes)
+- Fixed bug #41127 (Memory leak in ldap_{first|next}_attribute functions).
+  (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #40757 (get_object_vars get nothing in child class). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #40705 (Iterating within function moves original array pointer).
+  (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #40509 (key() function changed behaviour if global array is used
+  within function). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #40419 (Trailing slash in CGI request does not work). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bug #39330 (apache2handler does not call shutdown actions before 
+  apache child die). (isk at ecommerce dot com, Gopal, Tony)
+- Fixed bug #39291 (ldap_sasl_bind() misses the sasl_authc_id parameter).
+  (diafour at gmail dot com, Jani)
+- Fixed bug #37715 (array pointers resetting on copy). (Dmitry)
+- Fixed bugs #36796, #36918, #41371 (stream_set_blocking() does not work).
+  (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #35981 (pdo-pgsql should not use pkg-config when not present).
+  (Jani)
+- Fixed bug #21197 (socket_read() outputs error with PHP_NORMAL_READ).
+  (Nuno, Jani)
 31 May 2007, PHP 5.2.3
 - Changed CGI install target to php-cgi and 'make install' to install CLI
   when CGI is selected. (Jani)
@@ -10,7 +228,7 @@
 - Optimized digest generation in md5() and sha1() functions. (Ilia)
 - Upgraded bundled SQLite 3 to version 3.3.17. (Ilia)
-- Addded "max_input_nesting_level" php.ini option to limit nesting level of 
+- Added "max_input_nesting_level" php.ini option to limit nesting level of 
   input variables. Fix for MOPB-03-2007. (Stas)
 - Added a 4th parameter flag to htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() that 
   makes the function not encode existing html entities. (Ilia)
@@ -23,8 +241,8 @@
 - Implemented FR #41416 (getColumnMeta() should also return table name). (Tony)
-- Fixed an interger overflow inside chunk_split(), identified by Gerhard
-  Wagner (Ilia) 
+- Fixed an integer overflow inside chunk_split(). Identified by Gerhard Wagner.
+  (Ilia) 
 - Fixed SOAP extension's handler() to work even when
   "always_populate_raw_post_data" is off. (Ilia)
 - Fixed possible infinite loop in imagecreatefrompng. (libgd #86) 
@@ -34,6 +252,8 @@
 - Fixed altering $this via argument named "this". (Dmitry)
 - Fixed PHP CLI usage of php.ini from the binary location. (Hannes)
 - Fixed segfault in strripos(). (Tony, Joxean Koret)
+- Fixed bug #41693 (scandir() allows empty directory names). (Ilia)
+- Fixed bug #41673 (json_encode breaks large numbers in arrays). (Ilia)
 - Fixed bug #41525 (ReflectionParameter::getPosition() not available). (Marcus)
 - Fixed bug #41511 (Compile failure under IRIX 6.5.30 building md5.c). (Jani)
 - Fixed bug #41504 (json_decode() incorrectly decodes JSON arrays with empty
@@ -95,14 +315,14 @@
 - Improved bundled GD
   . Sync to 2.0.35
   . Added imagegrabwindow and imagegrabscreen, capture a screen or a 
-	window using its handle (Pierre)
+    window using its handle (Pierre)
   . colors allocated henceforth from the resulting image overwrite the palette 
-	  colors (Rob Leslie)
+    colors (Rob Leslie)
   . Improved thread safety of the gif support (Roman Nemecek, Nuno, Pierre)
-	. Use the dimension of the GIF frame to create the destination image (Pierre)
-	. Load only once the local color map from a GIF data (Pierre)
+  . Use the dimension of the GIF frame to create the destination image (Pierre)
+  . Load only once the local color map from a GIF data (Pierre)
   . Improved thread safety of the freetype cache (Scott MacVicar, Nuno, Pierre)
-	. imagearc huge CPU usage with large angles, libgd bug #74 (Pierre)
+  . imagearc huge CPU usage with large angles, libgd bug #74 (Pierre)
 - Improved FastCGI SAPI to support external pipe and socket servers on win32.
 - Improved Zend Memory Manager
@@ -1248,7 +1468,7 @@
   aborted" FastCGI err). (Dmitry)
 - Fixed bug #37192 (cc may complain about non-constant initializers in 
   hash_adler.c). (Mike)
-- Fixed bug #37191 (chmod takes off sticky bit when safe_mode is On). (Tony)	
+- Fixed bug #37191 (chmod takes off sticky bit when safe_mode is On). (Tony)
 - Fixed bug #37167 (PDO segfaults when throwing exception from the 
   fetch handler). (Tony)
 - Fixed bug #37162 (wddx does not build as a shared extension).